HERMES CsI is designed to monitor a soil portion (i.e. footprint) in order to acquire gamma ray spectra to evaluate activity concentration of natural and artificial radionuclides, namely K-40, U-238, Th-232 and Cs-137 at natural background level.

HERMES CsI is an autonomous device, incuding:

  • 2"×2" CsI(Tl) detector coupled to PMT
  • MCA with HV power supply
  • High-performance, low-consumption single board computer
  • T, Rh and P sensors
  • Router 3G/4G/WiFi/LAN
  • Rugged technical case for long-term outdoor use
  • HERMES-CsI Software

The device can also be coupled to an accessory solar power system through custom-made mechanical assemblies.

Data is stored in records containing energy-stabilized gamma ray spectra, together with count rate and activity concentration of each nuclide.

Measurement results are given in terms of Bq/g of K-40, U-238 and Th-232, as well as in terms of %K, ppm eU and ppm eTh.

The device is provided factory calibrated in energy.

Additional Info

  • Main features:
    • Rugged portable case for outdoor applications
    • Real-time radioisotope identification
    • Wide range of detectors and configurations
    • Detectors: CsI(Tl) with MCA
    • Rugged, high-protection case with foam filling
    • Customisable dimensions, connections and equipment
    • Integrated GPS, LAN, WiFi, 4G
    • Touch-screen panel PC with intuitive user interface SW
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